Jason Tesauro Consulting, LLC specializes in the recovery, management, and protection of rare, threatened & endangered reptiles, amphibians, and other wildlife in the Northeastern U.S. We have expertise in species habitat assessments, presence/absence surveys, biological inventories, telemetry research, conservation planning, habitat management & restoration, and private lands outreach & education. ​We provide consulting services to a variety of stakeholders in Northeastern wildlife conservation including federal, state, and municipal government, non-profit land & wildlife conservancies, as well as private landowners, engineering firms, and other private entities.
Jason Tesauro, Principal
Jason Tesauro is a conservation biologist based in the New Jersey Highlands. He is a national expert on the ecology, habitat restoration, and recovery of the federally-threatened bog turtle, Glyptemys muhlenbergii¸a species with which he began working in 1994. He earned his Master’s Degree in Ecology and Evolution from Rutgers University under Dr. David Ehrenfeld, studying the relationship of domestic livestock grazing and bog turtles. He incorporated Jason Tesauro Consulting, LLC in 2009. His longest running professional relationship is with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to which he provides technical direction and oversight for ecological restoration under the Wetlands Reserve Easement program. In 2015, Jason joined the board of directors for the not-for-profit land and wildlife conservancy, The Wetland Trust, Inc., and currently leads the organization's turtle conservation initiatives in New York.
Professional Certifications:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Recognized Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyor (Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 surveys)
Tesauro, J. and David Ehrenfeld. 2007. The effects of livestock grazing on the bog turtle [Glyptemys (=Clemmys) mulenberghii]. Herpetologica 63:293-300.
Tesauro, J. 2001. Restoring wetland habitats with cows and other livestock. Conservation Biology in Practice 2:26-30.
Travis KB, E. Kiviat, J. Tesauro, L. Stickle, M. Fadden, V. Steckler, and L. Lukas. 2018. Grazing for Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) Habitat Management: Case Study of a New York Fen. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13(3):726-742.
Travis, KB, I. Haeckel, G. Stevens, J. Tesauro, and E. Kiviat. Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) Dispersal Corridors and Conservation in New York, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13(1):257–272.
Lathrop, R., P. Montesano, J. Tesauro, and B. Zarate. 2005. Statewide mapping and assessment of vernal pools: A New Jersey case Study. Journal of Environmental Management 76:230-238.